Saturday, September 10, 2016

Mini S'mores

My dad is currently building a tiny house and I love seeing my bedroom (the size of my bed), our kitchen where I hope to eventually cook and bake, and the overall progress of the house itself. The tiny house inspired me to make these mini s'mores! Instead of going all the way up to the tiny house to make s'mores on the campfire here's a recipe you can make right in your own kitchen... 

1 cup of milk chocolate chips
1/4 cup of heavy cream
1 package of graham crackers
1/2 cup of marshmallow fluff
And that's it! :)

1. Put your chocolate chips in a bowl. Heat your cream until just boiling and pour the hot cream over your chocolate chips. Mix the cream and chocolate together until combined and let sit until it is a spreadable consistency.*Ganache.
2. While your chocolate is sitting, break your graham crackers into fourths. *You may need more than one package of graham crackers if all of the crackers in your pack are broken.
3. Start to build your mini s'mores... 4. Spread your chocolate ganache on one of your two graham crackers. 5. On the other graham cracker spread the marshmallow fluff. 6. Place the two graham crackers together and set the finished s'mores on a baking sheet to cool for 5 minutes. 7. When the 5 minutes are up, dip the bottoms of your s'mores into your chocolate spread you made earlier. 6. Let the chocolate spread cool before serving.

"Mini Desserts from your Mini Blogger..."